A Guide Towards Emotional Maturity

I don't know where to begin. I've written this many times, wanting to share my exploration with you, but each time I write, each time I read, each time I reflect another door seems to open. I will add this book to the short list of incredibly impactful books in my life. It's been a twenty-year journey of extracting the old programs and installing new ones more aligned with my spirit. Physical, psychological, spiritual and now emotional. When we work in one area, there is inevitable chipping away at other areas of our being. My coach asked me why I dived into my emotional being at this moment. It took me a minute to reflect on it. The answer is that I have been chipping away at this fortress I have built from a very young age and finally reached the foundation, the deep roots planted and nurtured by others and myself. It's dark and gunky down there, this book scraping the last little bits.

As kids, some of us grow up in environments and experience upbringings that impact our physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional well-being in a way that our subconscious begins to build a fortress of protection so we can have a fucking chance of survival in this world.

Yes, this book is validating but it's not to look at those who raised me and put any blame because first, the deeper I dive, the more I realize that this is beyond them, it's generational behaviour passed down. Second, this book shows me where I have evolved emotionally and where I have work to do. I can tell you something about my own parents, they have evolved beyond what their parents reached in many ways, so it's my turn, to continue the work, to be grateful that I had the primary physical needs met that gifted me the opportunity to dive deep and clean up and evolve other areas of my lineage.

One last thing I wanted to share. We hear a lot about doing inner child work but as I began thinking about evolving my own emotional maturity, I learned along with the inner child, there is my inner teenager, inner 20's and 30's Talib. The struggles I face in some areas of my life seem to correlate with the misalignment between these different versions of myself. I worked hard to evolve my physical, psychological and spiritual but with areas of emotional immaturity within, I was circling the same karmic roundabout over and over, the lack of awareness holding me back from moving to the next version of my Self in this lifetime.

If you decide to pick this book up, it likely may be triggering but I hope that you see these triggers as keys that open up the doors within you waiting to be explored.

Talib Hussain