Joyful Insignificance in a Floating Ball

As I awoke from a little nap, listening to the waves while looking up at the sky, the sun shining down on me I had a thought. I am living in a ball that is floating in empty black space. Somehow, for some weird reason, I am here at this moment.

This lead me down the path of reminding myself of how insignificant I am and how I have been trained to think otherwise. Most things, maybe even everything in this moment matter very little. Most of the things, the worries and concerns, the things on which I place importance like my thoughts and views, the tasks that need to get done, that don't get or get done, it all doesn't matter. The world still seems to go around, the sun follows the same pattern each day moving from east to west. I wake up and I sleep then begin the cycle all over again the next day although I'm not as dependable or consistent as the sun these days or perhaps I've never been in my life. Routine, consistency, dependable, there are waves of it but it's inconsistent at best. I've been like this my entire life, it's okay. Some things will change other things will remain the same. Perhaps I am simply inconsistently consistent. Ah yes, that sounds about right.

I went on to think about Adam and Eve and dinosaurs. Once upon a time, there were dinosaurs. That's quite weird and also brings me to this present day. I wonder if our dinosaur ancestors played so much importance to oneself. I mean they seemingly fought a lot and could be quite vicious. I mean please take what I am saying with a grain of salt because my education comes from Jumanji and a Jehovah's witness visitor when I was 9 years old who was handing out pamphlets with a dinosaur on the front page. It was only ten cents! Parents were sleeping but you know the couches in those days held some change from the unreliable pant pockets. I was of course quickly disappointed as I sat excitedly opening up the pamphlet to learn that there is nothing actually about dinosaurs. Ah well for a moment I thought it was the best Saturday ever, morning cartoons and dinos. Living my best life.

Anyways, about Adam and Eve, I think this story is like the front cover of that Jehovah's witness pamphlet. When you start the deeper exploration you begin to understand that the front page does not align with the story within. Truth is unfortunately something that is owned by the one with the most influence and power. What we believe today and how we live (at least I will speak for myself), is not exactly the truth. See, what happens is when a lie gets carried on for so long, passed down from generation to generation, it eventually moulds into the 'truth'. Now, it's important to remember that the things that did not align with the original lie but were truths were either thrown out or there were inaccurate stories about those truths that have been passed down from generation to generation, which also eventually moulded into pseudo truths. I don't know if this makes any sense but hopefully, you get a little bit of what I am trying to say. And if you are completely lost and wondering if I am high. The answer is unfortunately not at this moment.

This brings me back to this floating ball that I currently call home. Remembering how small I am along with how ridiculous humans (including me) are, I will commit to taking it easy on myself and not give so much energy to all the thoughts of significance I hold about myself and the little mini-universe that lives inside of me and all the other planets that live outside of me. Ah, by other planets I am talking about you and me. I like to think of us as all little planets, individual planets of this one little planet. We say that we are a child of God. Perhaps, God, Gods, Universe, whatever you want to believe is irrelevant to me. I will say for myself, I am a child of God, yes, but I am also a child of this earth because I am made up of the materials from which she too is made off. So, this little insignificant being is both a child of the Universe and Mother Earth. They are my mother and father. To respect them, I simply need to respect myself. To love them, I simply need to love myself.

Everything I need is right here with me. Phew, what a relief.

Talib Hussain