The Path to Healing

What is your relationship with the most precious place in this Universe? Why is it that our relationship with her is so tumultuous? Why are entire countries, cultures and humans that want to suppress her, mutilate her, blocking her power physically, energetically and spiritually? If it makes a dollar we will embrace her else we will simply tuck her away and cover her up with shame and guilt. By suppressing her we suppress the divine within all of us, masculine and feminine. If we want to tackle the destruction of this earth it is a requirement to heal our relationship with this expansive beauty. When we learn to treat her with the love and respect that is required, it will naturally flow into a healthier relationship with the mother, with this beautiful planet. It is all divinely interconnected.

You may be asking yourself, Talib are you saying if we build a healthier, more loving and respectful relationship with the Vagina that it will heal this planet in which we currently reside in? Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Sexuality and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. I wrote a piece a few years back. It's called God Is In My Genitals. If we want to connect and heal our relationship with source, if we truly want to make a change, we need to connect more deeply with our sexuality. Humans have blocked source from gracing its presence onto this planet. Instead of a two way street we have created two one way streets, a benefit to the business of religion.

By blocking the lower energy centres, our sexuality, creativity and relationship with abundance is blocked. We have also blocked the energy of earth to move through us fully filling our energetic body. I learned recently when our lower energetic centres are blocked, the energy from earth gets stuck and returns back into earth, never able to connect with the energy from the heavens that enters from above. When we open ourselves up, heal our sexual energy we naturally evolve spirituality. Heaven and earth are yearning to dance within each one of us.

Take a moment, be truly honest with yourself. Reflect on the question why do the major religions and governments (same, same)  do all they can to suppress sexuality? It hasn't decreased the dark side of sexuality, in fact it has nurtured it. It has left us empty, searching to fill the void through media, alcohol, drugs, food etc..., closing ourselves off to the world within us. We are so full of shit (literally), we are unable to connect with ourselves. Connection with self includes connecting more deeply with our sexuality, our root and sacral, opening up the entrance way for source to grace us with the beauty from above and connect with Pachamama from below.

You, me, we are the solution. It's not out there. When you tap into source (aka your beautiful genitals) suppression from those with agendas that don't serve the greater humanity will be drowned out by the energy of source flowing from within you.

Talib Hussain