Observing the Elements

The clouds reflect the mood of the ocean. The sun is a constant, the masculine, predictable. He feeds the life within her. By observing and being with the ocean and the clouds above, the sun and the moon, we can learn so much about the masculine and feminine dance, and learn about ourselves and others because each of us carries these energies within us. I always thought I needed to be in a relationship to fulfill this emptiness that resided within me from a very young age, but I simply needed to spend time with the elements. What a gift it is to be human. To be on this planet during this moment in time. This world is not as dark as some would like us to believe. The light shines bright, we simply need to learn how to see again, to draw the curtains within our minds. Only then can we begin to change the narrative within and begin the process of cleansing.


We need not worry about this planet because she will and is finding ways to cleanse. We need to cleanse the pollution that lives within our minds, to dissolve the patterns and programs that have been passed down and cultivated for generations. Yes, there are two opposing forces out there, but those opposing forces live within us as well and if we want to cultivate a new way of being with the external world then we must cultivate a new way of being within our internal world.


Sunday was my last night in Ayampe, Ecuador. I spent a little over two weeks here and one week prior in Montanita. Both are beautiful but have very different vibes. One is a little more energetically active than the other. In Montanita I committed to learning how to surf, three lessons and practicing every day. I was able to stand up on the board but more importantly, I learned about the feminine, and how she flows, moment to moment. How to be patient and embrace the constant change with lightness. To relax, to ground even when she is kicking my ass.


To be out in the ocean with the surfboard during sunset was a gift I will forever cherish. I continued practicing in Ayamape, deepening my relationship with the ocean and understanding the feminine energy and how she flows.


It was a short stay but the feminine gently tugged at the strings within me, showing me where I needed to direct my gaze, to heal, to evolve. I am grateful for the elements and every human I was fortunate to meet. Grateful for my friend Brooke who invited me to this land.

Talib Hussain