Embracing the Physical Form

Consciousness begins with the body. Scanning the different energy centres, bringing awareness. Focus on the centre and learn about the organs that reside there. Our organs hold memories, positive and negative. The more time we bring our awareness in these different areas, the more information we can learn about ourselves which can help guide us to better health, to discover and tune into our own wisdom. Take a moment to reflect on this, all our organs, every cell are working without us doing anything. There is an incredible amount of untapped intelligence within each one of us and the only thing that is keeping us from this is our own awareness. Simply placing our attention within. In my experience, the main purpose of meditation is to cultivate awareness, not to reach a state of divinity. We can worry about that when we are dead but for this moment, we have chosen to be in this body so let's spend a little more time here shall we?


Why is it important to spend more time in the body? Because when we tune into our bodies, three things happen. One, we learn where we need to heal and second, we can tap into a greater intelligence that lives within each one of us. Third, we begin to tune into the macro and develop a deeper understanding and relationship with the planet in which we live. Our bodies and this planet mirror each other. If we can heal and be kinder to ourselves, and each other then maybe, we can heal and be kinder to this planet which we inhabit.


To reach enlightenment, a connection to divinity, to the heavens, this is a side effect but it's not the purpose of meditation while we embody human form. We have chosen to experience this physical form, each for a unique purpose. To learn and remember what this unique purpose is to each one of us. Meditation is one way to tune into this, to gain clarity as to why we are here.


Deep down we already know, misery and mental illness are a result of too much unnecessary 'stuff' that we have collected and continue to collect. Hoarding and consuming excessive information. Simply take a scan of your external environment. All that you have collected, does it bring you clarity or does it cloud your vision. Illness is a result of overconsumption. They are directly related. Consumption of unnecessary material goods and information.


Why do we consume so much? Lately, I am beginning to think it's because of the state of our emotions. Why are we so disconnected from this part of us? Emotional blockages I believe are a major reason for the current state of humanity and its addiction to collecting beyond what is needed. 


Here is a little exercise I played with today. When we try to meditate it's common for most of us to get caught up in the thoughts that swirl around in our head and a common practice is to return our attention to the breath. This cycle continues for part or all of our meditation. This is normal. Instead of returning to your breath, explore the different centres in your body. For example, bring your awareness to your root, the area of your sexual organs. Every time your mind rises back to the brain, return to the root. The more you do this, you will begin to receive information from that area. Try the same with the sacral area which is around your kidneys and slowly move upwards to the solar which is the liver and stomach area. Focus on the area below the heart to start. Set a timer for 5-10 mins each day and simply observe what thoughts and feelings arise. To have thoughts in meditation is ok, in fact, it's necessary. Thoughts are not the problem, it's that our minds are generally parked in our brains most of the time. What we want is to move the mind into different areas of our body. This gives the brain a break and allows you to start tuning into the intelligence that you possess in different areas of your body.


Talib Hussain