Balls of Memory

Can I share a little secret with you? When I was younger, my friends and I played a lot of street hockey. One day I was playing net, and one of my friends took a close-range slap shot the tennis ball kissed my balls making me weak and falling to the ground with a pain that is permanently stored in my memory to this day. So much so that when others share stories of the physical pain of any kind, I feel their pain in my balls. No joke. So next time any of you want to share this type of story, please keep in my mind that is equivalent to you whipping a tennis ball at my nutty nuts. I’m not saying don’t share, I simply want you to think twice and ensure that this is a necessity. 


Now, you may be wondering, Talib, why now? Why are you sharing this story at this moment? Well, I wanted to demonstrate how the memory of pain can embed itself so deeply within us. This translates to emotional, psychological, and spiritual pain as well. Perhaps I share this story because next time you are triggered or trigger another, maybe we (including me) can have a little more compassion for ourselves and for others, knowing that past pains are stored deep within us and will not release so easily. Next time you unknowingly activate another’s pain, all I’m asking is you think about my balls. It's simply a suggestion. 


Now, I don’t know how to rid of this memory, but I am working on it. At this moment, however, I’m more concerned with the emotional pains that are stored deep within. These pains, as much as we try and tuck them away get stirred up inside of us the same way the waxing and waning of the moon shake up internal bodies of water, the same occurs with our emotions because what element reins over our emotions? You guessed it, good old agua! 

Talib Hussain