More Questions, Less Answers

Why is Christian America so interested in Israel?

Who is even more powerful than the Israel lobby?

Why are Israelis and the Jewish people in so much pain? Who keeps opening up their wounds without providing the balm?

Why are evangelical Christians so interested and invested in Israel?

What is the difference between Zionism and Judaism? Is Zionism strengthening or weakening the hearts of the Jewish people?

What is the root of Zionism?

Why has the Middle East, the Muslim countries done nothing to this point? Does no action equate to complicity?

Why are Muslims and the rest of the world not equally outraged by the injustices of the Muslim government’s treatment of other Muslims?

What is the end game here? Can the Muslim and Jewish people return to a time when they lived in peace, side by side, neighbours, brothers and sisters as they once did in Morocco for example?

What role do the religious institutions play in these world conflicts? What if we stop feeding the Churches, Mosques and Synagogues, what would the world look like?

What’s the difference between terrorists and freedom fighters?

Has the war between Christians and Muslims ever stopped or has it continued in the shadows?

What are we fighting for? Is this about money? power? Religious supremacy?

How much of my tax dollars go towards injustices, suppression of rights, and suffering of others both within and without Canada? Do we have access to these numbers?

We live on stolen land. Why are we not outraged? What is the current status of the indigenous people of North America? Why are they struggling and how can we help them? What is our government doing to provide the support they need?

Saudi Arabia is apparently progressing because they want American artists like Nicki Minaj to come and perform. Is this the definition of progress? Is material gain the definition of progress or is feeding your neighbour's (i.e. Yemen) a definition of progress? Or maybe it's not creating and spreading diseases like Wahhabism which to me is as harmful to the Muslim’s heart and soul as Zionism is to the heart souls of the Jewish people.


Why are the rich Middle Eastern countries doing nothing? Who has them by the balls? Do they even have balls, or have they been neutered? Maybe Uncle Sam has tied their balls with gold chains and now and then gives them a little lick to make them feel good or is the licking the other way around? It could be a two-way street. Sometimes it's hard to tell.


There are two wars when it comes down to it. Two major wars. A war of weapons and a war of words. The beauty of this moment is that the war of words is on equal playing ground. This is progress. This is power. There is no monopoly with words. Even in the most suppressed of societies, there is a way to go beyond because words are like water, they will find their way to you despite how many dams others attempt to build.


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Talib Hussain