I Am Nothing and Everything

I am nothing and everything. I belong to no culture and all cultures, to no religion and all religions, to no colour and all colours, I have no boundaries, no limitations. Spirituality has no walls for me, mosque, church, ashram, temples, for me they are all homes of worship. But it is not that God is found in these places, it is the energy of prayer, of rituals, that we cultivate.

When I step into one of these structures it is not to connect with God. I have the mountains and rivers for that. When I walk into these structures, I'm there to connect with the prayers of others, the ones before, the ones present and the ones soon to come.

As we continue to dissolve the barriers within our minds, these minds will become bridges between spirit and body. When we dissolve the barriers in our minds we will no longer see difference, we will only feel the love that flows through each one of us.

If your religion builds walls, separates, and cultivates guilt and shame then this is the cue for you to question, this is the moment to realize that you are further away from divinity, from the God you seek. There is no guilt and shame for that which is pure.

There is light and dark however, we are opposites. To live we require the friction that comes with them, wisdom arises from the weaving of these two, to be able to exist in the intersection. It is not the blue pill or the red pill, left or right, dark or light, it is all, to intertwine within, to surrender to the reality of opposites and only then individual and collective suffering will stop.

They know to divide and conquer, but they don't start out there, they begin with you. Each one of us has the power to intertwine the opposites within us, this is where power and freedom is birthed, in embracing the whole, your whole.

We all are here for a reason, all religions are here for a reason. There is no one way, there is only full embrace and enmeshment of all.

Talib Hussain