A One-Sided Romance

This is me a month ago, on a 7-hour boat ride from Ibiza to Valencia, Spain. I am writing from the airport. Time goes by so fast. I fell in love with Valencia. Usually, when I fall in love with a place it has a lot to do with the people I connect with and deep friendships formed. But that didn't happen. I simply fell in love with the city itself. They say that the people here are closed, but I don't think that's it, they simply don't need anything more than what they have. They seem to enjoy each day and each other whether at the gym, running in Turia Park, riding their bikes and scooters on their very efficiently designed bike paths (Toronto can learn a lot from this city), drinking wine, or eating fresh and delicious food. The most beautiful thing I observed was kids playing everywhere. The sounds of children playing add a lightness to a city. It even made me reflect on the possibility of having a family of my own. This is the first time I have felt the desire in a long time.

I returned to Spain after 22 years. It had an incredible impact on me back then and once again it has inspired me. I am leaving Valencia healthier in mind, body and spirit. 22 years ago I learned that I can be on my own and cultivate connections regardless of where I am. It was around the same time I was starting to meditate. This time around, when I arrived in Valencia I decided (after 20-plus years) to stop meditating. I wanted to know who I was without this. How would I show up in the world?

What I want for this 47th year of this incarnation is to connect more with the physical layer, to strengthen my body and to experience the world and all its beings via a new lens. Meditation has been a medicine for me but somewhere along the line I started using it as an escape and instead of processing my emotions I was nearly tucking them away into little drawers within. I was also using meditation to stay softer and quieter and keep my internal fire on low. 

Spain is a place that seems to know how to hold space for me. Funny how different lands offer such unique gifts. 

Gracias Valencia, gracias España. Hopefully it won't be another 22 years before I return. 

Next stop Nepal.

Talib Hussain