The Soul of Money

"Could it be that the surprising truth, the revelatory truth of our time, is that our relationship with money is based in an unexamined, unquestioned set of assumptions that are myths and lies and that spur us to act in ways that rob us of the satisfaction and fulfillment we are looking for in life? Could it be that the key to turning around a runway, unsustainable economy, culture, and almost frightening time in the evolution of civilization is in confronting and embracing the surprising truth that there is enough, we have enough, we are enough, and that at the heart of every circumstance is that possibility and that opportunity?” 

This is a book that I’ve been chipping away at and is about evolving our mindset around money from scarcity to sufficiency, to abundance. It was a book that needed to be read by many (in my humble opinion) prior to the world shutting down but it is even more relevant in this moment, to rethink, to kick our imaginations in high gear, to envision the world that we want to live in, a world that is abundant and that has the ability to be rooted in compassion and love despite what the algorithms of your current programming are signalling to your core.

All programs can be deprogrammed and reprogrammed they just require codes of courage and learning to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, which we have been forced to do in this moment.

It doesn’t matter how this all came about, this moment was inevitable. The divine works in mysterious ways. Nature will course correct and remember, you too are nature, as much as you may think you are purely in control, remember that our hearts beat without our doing, our trillions of cells go to work whether or not we want them too, all of our organs function or don’t without us. Nature without and nature within. Mother works both sides of the border. 

My greatest fear is not this moment and economic collapse, my greatest fear is that we return to status quo. 

Talib Hussain