Beyond Broken

A couple of days ago I had a beautiful conversation with a dear friend. The deepest we have had in a while.

Questions. Listening. These are super powers.

Questions unlock the doors within. Questions encourage others to look inside themselves, to begin the search. 

Listening allows others to bring to the surface what they have found so they can take the unconscious and bring it into consciousness. Raise from the darkness, into the light. 

What we find is not always easy, but if we keep shoving it down with our busyness, it will come to the surface in ways that are unhealthy. The most healthy way is to bring up that which resides in our unconscious, consciously. Bringing it up to the surface allows us to work with it. To heal, to understand, to create space within. 

For many of us our gardens have no space to plant new seeds because we have shoved so much down, there is no more space for ourselves and authentic creations. It is all filled with the expectations of others, of societies that embed their belief systems deep within our being. 

There is an opportunity to pause, to reflect, to ask ourselves and others questions and to compassionately embrace what arises. This is a gift. This is an opportunity for the individual and the collective to surrender and begin creating a world that is more gentle on the human psyche and the human heart. Only then will we be able to experience and be witness to the human spirit. 

I am dreaming of a world that is an evolution from the one that was broken before it broke. 

My new contract to humanity. I adore you. I love you. No conditions attached.

Talib Hussain