The Remote

The external world is my television. I am the projector and I have access to the remote if I choose to take control. Our external projection is a reflection of our internal state. That is a fear inducing thought. We have full control to change the channel? It’s much easier, regardless of how unfulfilling it may be, to walk the path guided by others. To take back the remote means that we are now in full control and responsible for every action we take. Here is the thing. By choosing not to take the remote, we are still fully responsible. The state of the outer world is a reflection of your inner world. We are all responsible for the show that is playing outside of us. The more we watch the same show, the more we encourage it to keep playing. 

It’s time to take back your remote and change the channel.

This is what came up for me in savasana, some light morning thoughts on a cloudy Friday morning:-). We get comfortable with a particular channel, mine being my my current business as an example. I don’t want to change it because it’s so familiar, so comfortable. Even though its clear that it’s not my path, I know how to navigate my way through, but teaching yoga, leading meditations, performing comedy, speaking on stage, writing and running workshops around the evolution of human consciousness, inspiring others to turn their gaze inward, to experience the power of mind and the exploration of energetic body (which is the next evolution of humanity if we don’t completely fuck it up). Being a leader that leads from the front? Where will that take me? Thats an entirely different scary ass channel. 

How about when the heart is broken? How about when it cracks instead of closing it back up, that we explore, we go deeper within. How will that project? How will that shift the internal and eternal? This heart of mine has been more like an Airbnb then a permanent residency. I don’t let people stay too long because if they do and one day decide to leave then I am left with this gaping hole within. Lets say I do open up for the long term stay, take the risk and one day she or he or they leave, instead of closing up, can I remain open, dig deeper, explore the depths of this heart, to dive into emptiness, the pain and come out the other side?

Have you ever noticed when your heart breaks, how raw you feel and how others notice a profound shift in you even if its for a brief moment? Despite how tired you may be from the sleepless nights, others see and feel you a little more then usual. They may say, "wow, you are really glowing today!” or “you are looking beautiful, did you do something with your hair?” (I get neither, probably because I fill this cracks up with a concrete like material). The outside worlds notices. A broken heart is an open heart and an open heart pours onto others the sweetness of what it means to be human at its core. 

We are responsible whether we take control of the remote or not. Our external projections are a reflection of our internal state. Are you willing to change the channel? To begin creating a different show? Can you live and show up in this life with an open broken heart, the place where the nectar of our true state of being flows from? 

I am responsible. 
You are responsible. 
We are all responsible. 

Lets not fuck it up.

Talib Hussain