Suppressing and Expelling Emotions

It can be quite overwhelming when emotions arise to the surface. I'm working on a couple of projects now that are activating and bringing up sometimes small waves and other times it feels like a tsunami.

Yesterday was one of those days. I have not-so-healthy ways to either suppress these feelings or release them. This can include binging Netflix which is a form of suppression or eating donuts or crushing a bag of chips or popcorn and even porn. In the past it was cigarettes. Unhealthy ways to release could be spending money on things I don't need or masturbation. These are easy ways to release but they aren't a long-term solution. They don't get to the root of what is going on at a deeper level just a temporary relief.

Some healthy ways to move and release this energy that arises in the process of opening the heart are yoga, meditation, long walks, or spending time in nature. Another practice I have been cultivating over the past few years to accompany my writing is drawing while listening to music. Pen to paper whether it's writing or drawing is pure magic.

We all have unhealthy habits, the key I found for myself is to remove the shame and guilt that accompany these habits. This isn't helpful. Just as we observe our thoughts in meditation while cultivating self-awareness of the present state of our minds, I'm learning that the same approach applies when we are moving through the process of opening our hearts. To simply observe the feelings. I'm not worried about naming them or trying to understand them. Simply deepening my awareness without judgment, shame, or guilt. Easier said than done but possible.


Talib Hussain