Spiritual Bypassing

So much delicious energy moving through my whole being at that moment. I am reconnecting with my sexual energy, connecting in a new way with my emotional energy which in turn is connecting me more deeply with my spirituality. All this is giving me the strength to keep moving forward. I will have moments where I doubt. I will have moments where fear will win for a moment. I'm ok with it. At Cafe 23 and glad that I decided to come here. it has a great energy to tap into my creativity.

Sexuality. Spirituality. Creativity. Remove one of these core aspects of our being and there will certainly be an imbalance. Rejection of any of these can lead to a lot of pain. It makes life so difficult when we suppress our sexuality. I don't understand why we can't see that. I hope that as I share my perspective, I can be part of the movement to normalize the expressions of emotions, and sexuality and how it's critical to being human and our survival. To love ourselves. To love others. To love this earth in which we inhabit. What a gift to be here.

Spiritual Bypassing. Something that I think about and observe in spiritual and religious groups and beings. It seemed to be magnified in the yoga world, but I see it in the Islamic world as well. This emphasis is on hell and heaven. Always talking about heaven and demonizing the natural parts of being. Like our sexual being. Our genitals. Demonizing women. Temptations they say. We suppress women in all cultures. Why? So men can walk around with less erections? How about we men learn to manage our energies? Better yet how about our schooling systems are revamped to teach men and women from a young age about sexual energy and guide us men who supposedly can't control their desires to use this energy towards their creativity? Or towards accessing their emotional being, opening and energizing their heart? You can't block sexual energy and practice celibacy like priests in the Catholic world for example if you aren't doing something consciously with this energy. If we shove this energy into the darkness, then it will be expressed from that place as we can see around us regardless of which part of the world, we live in. I've started to reconnect with Taoist sexual practices. I wasn't able to master it but I became pretty good at moving the energy within my own body, using this energy and pouring it into my work, into my relationships, into strengthening my heart, mind, and body and gifting my soul a strong container to express itself.

If we only focus on the heavens and the OM's trying to connect to the universe, to the divine, to God without working and evolving the other three layers, the physical, psychological, and emotional then it won't matter how pure our soul is because when the soul expresses itself it moves through each layer before it comes out and expresses itself into the world. Enlightenment is not getting to the heavens or connecting with the soul, if this is where we wanted to live then we would have never shown up here in the first place. What's the point of being in this human body if we aren't going to live it to the fullest? I don't know about you but I'm here to live and experience this gift of being human to the fullest and walk on my path. For me to do that I want to live in alignment. I do this deep work in all the layers for myself, for those who came before me and for those who are to come after. I do this work for you and me and hope that when we cross paths this love I cultivate within myself pours into your being and vice versa.


Talib Hussain