Returning to Pleasure

Feeling better this morning. Last night and this morning I had some long mediation sessions. It's not about reaching some spiritual state but seeing where my body and mind are in this moment and seeing where I can bring it some healing. My left side needs some tender attention. This morning my thoughts were active. I keep thinking about this couple that I met in Tamraught, Morocco. They lived in Switzerland, the man originally from Argentina and the woman from the Netherlands. They were a beautiful couple, their energy radiant. Something about them and me, the energy between the three of us. It was sweet. I'm sure if we had more time together it would be a deep bond like Maria and Gerry or Evan and Linz or Emily or my buddy Benoit whom I met a few years back. All in all, the meditation this morning was nice, I didn't fight the thoughtful rambling that was happening. Someone inside had something to say and that's okay with me. I let them play and be in their comfort zones for some time. Soon we will all return to the roles that we came here to play.

Last night she invited me to explore beyond her lips and breast. She gave me and herself permission. Although it was me giving, I was also receiving. There is so much energy in a woman's flower and when she orgasms and opens fully it is a gift for both of us. Mother nature at her finest.  

I feel good this morning. It's been the first time in 18 months since I got this intimate with a woman. She has grown a lot. She is a little hard on herself, but she is not far from a place of more peace and internal freedom. Emotions drive her mind and her mind in turn drives her body. This is not just her of course, this is all beings. We all function this way, driven by our emotions, the root of all our actions.


Emotions -> Mind -> Body

Feel - > Think -> Express


Where are my emotions? What emotions drive me to create more? What emotions am I allowing myself (or not) to feel? I'm struggling with expression at the physical layer. My mind is going more inside than outside, my emotions are impacting my mind in a way that keeps it more insular. The three, mind body and spirit have a three-way dance with each other. What emotions are driving your behaviour? How are your emotions driving this behaviour and what can we do to change this? When were you most in flow with sharing your work?

Creativity, sexuality, and spirituality are intertwined. When one is suppressed, the others have a hard time expressing themselves.

Talib Hussain