Nurturing Our Nature

I have never met a human where I thought to myself, "this soul is evil." Yes, our souls are each here for a reason; we all have some homework to do. What I do observe is the complexities of the mind which cause misery. This tangled mind impacts our hearts, triggering emotions, many times unconsciously: anger, sadness, depression.

We emphasize a lot on either the physical or the spiritual, but the root of the problem exists at the psychological and emotional level. When a person or a group has experienced trauma at a psychological level and they do not have the opportunity to heal, then that person or group will instill that trauma onto others. It will pass down the lineage until one day someone down the line says no more. Because when psychological trauma is passed down multiple generations, the behaviors and ways of being that result from this become normalized. They say, this is how it just is, this is who they are, this is nature.

Nature at one point was nurtured, which means that nature can be nurtured and transformed. This idea of nature vs nurture I would argue is a myth that each one of us needs to challenge within ourselves and learn how to transform. This act of self-observation, self-compassionate questioning is key to the evolution of the individual and humanity as a whole. Nothing is permanent. All is malleable. The "you" that awakes from sleep today is not the "you" who slept the night before. Always changing, never the same.

How does this land? Is this something that makes sense? Do you see the possibility? This knowing that you are in control, that you have the power to say no more, to stop the illusion within yourself that has been passed down through your lineage?

There is a root of human suffering. All suffering. Whether it's the Musicas of Colombia or the Metis or the Bosnians or Rwandans and now the people of Gaza, Sudan and Congo and Haiti. These seem different, but I think if we dig deep enough we will arrive at the same place: the closed minds and hearts of humanity. Once we know where the work is, we each need to know it within ourselves, then we can each have a profound impact on the world.

I invite you to look at the world in four layers. From my observation, we are either overly obsessed with the physical realm or the spiritual realm. Most of us dance between the two. But the realms which need our urgent attention in this moment are the psychological (the mind) and the emotional (the heart). Until we each make this shift, the cycle of pain will continue to show up in the physical realm and the karmic pain cycles of our own soul and the souls of our lineage will continue returning until we get it right.

The health of the seen and unseen depends on it. It's a life or death situation. We are trying to save this earth along with our souls. In order for this to happen, we need to simply begin our journey, to have awareness and start walking on the path to psychological and emotional evolution. From this evolution must be born the next revolution, as its fire will not be able to sustain without the fuel of our hearts.

If the mind and heart remain tainted, the soul will never be able to express itself in its purest form. It will always be filtered through the heart and mind prior to reaching the level of expression on the physical layer. To reach the purest expression of the soul, one must purify and heal one's mind and heart.

Talib Hussain