Let's Play

I, like many others, have spent time in the lower vibrational playing ground.

Some have been there so long, they no longer see beyond it.

But soon, we will collectively realize that human potential is only just scratching the surface.

Those who can’t see it yet have a mental barrier, built by both themselves and the outside world. But it won’t be long before it falls.

The light shines through a small peephole. From that tiny opening, each individual will begin to look.

Until staring out that little hole toward the higher vibrational playing ground becomes unbearable, and like I did, they’ll start to chip away and break down the wall.

Come and play.

Once you get here, there’s no going back.

It’s impossible to start seeing, then change your mind and try to unsee what you’ve seen.

Won’t you come and play with me?

Children’s playground in Valencia