First World Illusion

Being here the last two days in Vancouver and witnessing the homeless and the addicted, seeing my brothers and sisters sticking a needle in their arms and some even sitting there frozen in time as the needle dangles, held on by their own veins. It's hard to watch, but necessary.

Why are we here? Why is it that this prosperous country can't take care of everyone. This is what a first world country looks like? Too me it seems we have set the bar too low.

How did you get here? What brought you to this place. You were born into this world, a soul in a body. I wonder if your soul is still with you or are you simply an empty shell now, your body unable to hold on to the essence, to your own spirit or is your spirit stuck inside, reincarnated into this body to pay for past mistakes?

Is this hell? Are you swimming in the fire, the content of that needle igniting the flames? I don't know, but I can't help but be sent down the rabbit whole of wonder. I want to sit beside you, spend time with you all, but I do have fear. Whats the fear? Why do I fear you? Will you harm me? Truly, will you harm me?

Talib Hussain