Feminine Flow

As I sit here in the kitchen at our new place in Nanaimo,

I'm beginning to release worry and need for control, this is an old programming that lives inside me, needing to care for everything, to control and worry. Control is masked as caring, but caring is too trust in the Divine, to have faith, to know that you control nothing and nobody. Control only brings misery, it stagnates the flow of energy.

Energy is free flowing like the melting snow caps that transition into water, to rivers and water falls providing life to the nature we see and experience around us.  To control is to permanently stuff life into a freezer but life is ever flowing, ever changing.

Gratitude and presence in every moment, including this one. See how she moves and flows and adapts. See her truth in the universe, see and feel how excited she is and pause in this moment. PAUSE. Because this moment is all written. You have dreamed about this. You have seen and felt this path.

The feminine cannot be frozen, stagnant. She is a force of energy to be loved and respected. Just like you can't stop the waves of the ocean or control the high or low tides, similarly you have no control over the feminine and her waves, you can only adapt to her nature, moment to moment. May the feminine forever be free, may she be the high and the low tide as she pleases.

This woman is teaching you by simply being. You need to simply observe and feel her, feel her heart and the energy that she fills this space with. How blessed you are in this moment, the moment before this and the moments that are to come tomorrow and beyond.

As to where not to spend your energy, tiny attempts, even a thought of suppressing the feminine will toxify this union. She is fire and fire needs air, fire needs to breath to shine.

Talib Hussain