Cellular Reflections of a Childish Heart
I speak about the heart more and more
And when there is no mention of the word, all is still rooted from here
The cerebral only to organize the letters and used to lay the constructed words on the page
The root however lays within the heart
Behind this heart of ours lays a path
At the end of this path awaits our spirit
Beyond this spirit is the divine, commonly know as the heavens
That which can be experienced in this moment, in this lifetime.
A closed hearted existence
The majority
The cost is high for humanity and beyond
We suffer
We burn
We drown
We starve ourselves of our true essence
We watch it daily
Yet it remains that the collective heart keeps its doors closed
What will it take to open?
How many need to perish, how much of our life do we continue to play the role of witness?
It is tiring
We have little time.
There is no more radical act then this
If you want to change the world out there, then you must begin by changing the world that lays within
To change the world within, you must pause, learn to be still, to be silent, to become aware of the natural disasters that are occurring from the depths of you, from source
It is you. It is me. It is every cell within that is responsible and therefore has the power to shift our trajectory
The external is a reflection of the internal
So ask yourself, what am I reflecting?
But isn’t the heart weak?
You are correct, but anything that has been closed, suppressed, unused, what else would it be?
If it hasn’t seen the light of day since single digits then when you open it today, it is not the heart of an adult, but that of a child that protected itself.