Today's Sky

Today's sky. Not all skies are this clear. Seems simple, to look up and witness this beauty. We are all here, on this planet, in these bodies, yet not all of us can look up and take delight in the sky above. Not all of us can turn on the tap and drink the water. Many of us don't even have a tap. I know it's 2024 but I'm not done reflecting on 2023.

It's odd, this entire talk of AI and its potential dangers. What will these robots do? Will they be racists? Kill the innocent? Pollute our waters? Instill a caste system so some can rise while others are put in their ‘place’? Will they destroy the planet or increase child labour or human trafficking? Will they instill more guilt and shame than our religious institutions program within us? Will there be a rise in mental illness? Will more women be forced into the sex trade? Commit genocides? I'm not sure the fears that people carry about technology are valid. Maybe the problem isn't technology but the evolution or lack thereof of humanity and our false idea of morality.

Part of me remains optimistic because of the humans I've been fortunate to engage with during my 47 years in this incarnation.  There are shifts happening at a root level but there are also illnesses within the roots of our minds, our hearts closed and our sights narrow. We still think that we are different from one another because of our religion or our culture. A false idea of divinity. We are so concerned about the afterlife that we are completely missing this life. This gift. This opportunity. What a blessing we are squandering away.

It's enough already. We cannot impact our political institutions without being honest about our multi-billion dollar religious institutions and their impact or lack thereof and their role in manipulating the human mind and heart for the sake of power and control.

So close yet so fucking far.

Talib Hussain