The Entity Feeds on Ignorance

There is an intersection between the physical body and the spirit. In this place between them, there’s an entity—a force we don’t fully understand. It’s from this space that chaos and destruction arise, feeding on what’s unseen and misunderstood. We need to bring the unseen into the light.

"Why is nobody doing anything?"—a question asked during the tragedies of Bosnia and Rwanda, and sadly, it's just as relevant today. Why isn't anyone doing anything? Why does history continue to repeat itself?

Religions have grown from thousands to millions, even billions of followers. In the material world, we’ve uncovered more knowledge than we know what to do with. More discoveries. More growth. More understanding. And yet, here we are. While the evolution of technology is undeniable, the evolution of humanity? That remains questionable. It feels incomplete, as though we are missing half of the equation.

We can embrace both the material and the spiritual, but unless we explore the layers of our minds and hearts, the merry-go-round will continue. On the surface, things may seem different, but scratch just below, and it’s clear: the same script, different actors.

Our obsession with either the material or the spiritual blinds us to what lies between. And this obsession does nothing to foster a healthy, balanced humanity. The entity, the unseen force, will continue to wreak havoc until we learn to see what we currently cannot. To do that, we must first remove the blinds of ignorance.

To start, we can look at our relationship with our ego and our sexual energy. These are two areas demonized by one or more religions, creating a distorted relationship with both. Suppression of our sexual energy cuts off our creativity and our connection to this planet, as well as to the source. Similarly, demonizing the ego disconnects us from our power, which resides in the solar plexus. A healthy ego helps us deliver our work and maintain a balanced connection with both self and Self.

When sexual energy is suppressed, creativity—the core of our humanity—suffers. Creativity and self-expression live between the physical and spiritual realms, and when out of balance, they disrupt our relationship to both. This imbalance leaves us vulnerable, open to manipulation by the entity that thrives on separation and disconnection. The weakness within us feeds it. Separation on the outside begins within each of us.

Humanity has become—or perhaps has always been—ignorant. Ignorance is the antithesis to the evolution of love for all beings, regardless of race, religion, or culture. It’s this ignorance that contributes to the collective state of the world today.