Pee Pee In Your Poo Poo

Christians have committed a lot of atrocities in the name of God, but it was never God or Jesus, that was the cover. It was always money. From gold to oil. From the indigenous in Colombia (read Wade Davis's Magdalena) to the Iraqis in Iraq. The Israel and Palestine war is the same. In the end, it's about money. We must ask ourselves the question, why does Christian America have such an interest in Israel? What is their intention, most importantly what are they gaining from this? America's economy is greatly dependent on unrest and wars because wars are profitable on multiple fronts, and weapons are the obvious one.

As Canadians, we are understanding more and more as each day passes what was done to the indigenous here. I want to suggest that it is no different than what is being done to the Palestinians at this moment. I get that some people will come up with all types of reasons why it's different. But it's not, history will continue to repeat itself until we get to the root of traumas on both individual and collective levels. I will defer to Dr. Gabor Mate and others in this sphere who are doing incredible work.

As for politics, I want to say this because it feels good, fuck politicians. Ok, this is not helpful, I know that but really, this is not what government was meant to be or maybe it was. I don't know what the alternative is but if anything needs to be wiped out it's the manufacturer who is producing all these politicians, along with their ideologies. That's the first step then it's time to clean house in the business world and return to ethics. To move from the profits over people model to the people and profit model (note this is counter to the ones who profit on war, one cannot live with the other). People and profit would mean peace, balance, and the basics for all. This is possible.

Deepak Chopra sums it up well in the DOAC podcast, “Medieval Minds with 21st Century Weapons”. We have evolved our technology, but we have not evolved the individual and collective mind. We are still holding on to old technology within and we need an upgrade.

As for the Muslim world and their role aka complacency and quite frankly responsibility for the Palestinian's situation, they have blood on their hands as much as the American and Israeli governments. If we don't acknowledge this then Muslims will continue to pay the price. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Palestine...the list is long.

Whether you like or dislike what I am saying is irrelevant to me. I know one thing for certain, the collective human mind at this moment is not well, I know that in many parts of the world, our hearts are closed and in pain particularly in the Western world, it is an illness within the mind, we are spreading this illness throughout the world. I say we because my taxes are certainly going towards messing another up. I don't know, but I am sure they aren't just going towards seasonal road maintenance.

It's easy to say it's complicated. I am complicit as well here, but the truth is it's not complicated. If we dare to open our eyes and be honest, first with ourselves, the world within and then the world without. Do you want to know the truth? Cancel all media for a month or two and the truth will come. You can't upgrade your mind if you keep filling it with shit just like you can't get physically healthy if you eat fast food three times a day.

Lastly, organized religion is completely disorganized. I would like to say it's lost its way, but I question whether it even knew the way. It is time in my opinion to un-organize and stray away from organized religion and use whatever scriptures and spiritual practices you are called to and go deeper within. Stop the building of all external temples and begin to connect with your and your family's internal temple. This was always the whole point of religion and the prophets and saints that we were gifted. They were far from perfect, but they gained wisdom and what they all tried to do was to encourage us to go within, because that path to God is not 'out there', to know divinity is to know oneself. We come from a source therefore we are source.

But the politicians and religious leaders have intertwined to such an extent that we can't tell anymore who is running the show and who is fucking who. Maybe they take turns. Who knows. Listen if they like to put their pee-pees in each other's poo poos that's fine but the moment it starts interfering with my Zen is when I'm out.

We talk about all the people in the world starving. Children are dying people with no water. Yet we can't zoom out as the so-called educated and reflect for a moment and ask the question of what amount of money is required to run all the mosques and churches in the world. Put aside all the other temples for now, just use your imagination or maybe chat GPT or Google. Whatever it is, take a guess. Then find places in the world that don't have food and water and calculate what would it cost to get them food and water. Hey, I'm not talking foie gras here, just the basics like water, rice, lentils and bread. We can focus on the fruits and veggies later. If you're like Talib, how will I ever calculate this? Honestly, if you don't know how to ship something from one place to another then you are not being a very effective human. Call one of the shipping companies. Calculate what you would need to do to get a bag of rice, lentils, and water to an area of your choice and times it by 365 days. There is your cost. This will be on the high end, but the point of this exercise is to compare it to the cost of maintaining all of the churches and mosques.

Another thing to ponder if you haven't already. Why does America always talk about democracy but in the rest of the world they seemingly prefer to support right-wing anti-democratic governments? Do they want a democratic world or just a democratic West?

One more thing for now. Someone once said to me trauma leaves a trail. I think she was referring to the person I was dating at the time, but I began to reflect on the trail of trauma that I have been leaving in my life. Until I heal myself and become conscious of all the nooks and crannies that need attention, I will leave an unpleasant trail, often but not always a painful trail of my history with others. I wouldn't do this consciously of course but healing takes time.

Whether it was physical, psychological, emotional, or even spiritual, maybe it's a little bit of all four layers which doesn't matter because trauma at any one layer will also impact the other three.

I'm talking about individual trauma but the same applies to a group of people. If they don't heal their trauma the group will then pass on their trauma to others and in the process they deepen their trauma or at minimum prolong its effects, meanwhile, there is now an entirely new group of people who have been traumatized and if there is any of them left they will then traumatize others or choose to heal but to heal they need space and the traumatizer needs to stop traumatizing and begin their healing process.

There are many parts to this post. One can pick one area and go down a rabbit hole for days. What I want to get across here is that it is all interconnected. It's not a piece-by-piece solution. The core of it all is injustice and for us to reach a more just and fairer world which means, food on everyone's table, clothes over their backs and a roof over their heads to start then we can bring in things like education which because of technology will be easier than 50 years ago for example. We need to look at all of it and together get to the root. I believe we need a new way of looking at things because what we are doing now is not working.

Yes, those in power do not want to change the status quo, this is what feeds the root of the problem, and it's who is perpetuating injustices in this world. But I believe the rich can be rich and everyone can still have food and water. The atrocities are not because of rich people, it's because of greedy people and because of those who are hungry for power. On the religious side, there is still a centuries old religious war going on, it just got a makeover which is why we can’t recognize it.


Talib Hussain