How to Serve?
Today in my morning pages I reflected a lot on last night. I had some drinks, quite rare for me these days but happy to be in the energy of the gin and soda. Two was enough to get me in a sweet state. One was good enough for me if I am honest.
Later in the night, we went to a techno club, not my jam. I much would have preferred to experience a Reggaeton club. It was nice to be out but too loud for me, so I left earlier and just walked around, observing the mix of locals and foreigners and the young women working the streets. A judgment-free zone within and with no desires. Simply observing.
This is part of our world; it always has been and always will be. It brought up many questions this morning. Questions for God, for the divine and for anyone on the other side who is willing to listen.
Why are we here? Why did we need to come into this physical form, this planet, this moment in time? Why couldn't we do what we needed to do in our pure soul form? The body must be quite sacred, this physical structure teaching us something that our soul alone is unable to. The soul without the body you think would be limitless, but it needs the body to accomplish that which it came here for, but the questions continued to flow from within. What is it that we are here for? What's the micro purpose? What's the macro purpose? For example, healing our lineages, why is it that we need to be in human form? Why can't we heal simply from the level of the soul when so many of the healing practices from an energetic level are tuning into the divine, the greater universal energy?
This idea of free will to choose how we want to live our life at this moment is an odd one for me. There is a sweet spot however in this human form if we are willing to do the work on all levels. The sweet spot is when we reach an age where our soul and body are on even playing ground. We are balanced and we can connect and dance between both realms with more ease.
We begin to understand the mind for what it really is, its main purpose anyways, which is to bridge this physical world and the soul world. When our mind is ill, this connection is blocked or filtered. Pure light is unable to shine in or shine out. There is a constant rejuvenation of the spirit. Sometimes the mind is so sick that our spirit, our soul completely checks out because it can't survive within the body, there is no space for it to live and to stay would be incredibly damaging.
Sometimes, the souls leave an empty body behind, neither dead nor alive, stuck in the darkness in between. This makes me incredibly sad because I can feel the suffering, I see them and I'm helpless as are their loved ones. I don't know why but this brings tears to my eyes. I cry for all those that are suffering so deeply. Lost in this world and lost in the next. The mind is ill. It needs support. That is one thing that I did see yesterday, it is important for me to play in all worlds because then I know for myself where we stand from the different corners of this planet.
What am I here for? How do you want me to serve this Mundo, serve these beings? I've done a lot of work within, but I really need some guidance on how to bring this into the world at this moment in time. I have the potential to have an impact on the macro but knowing where to begin is still unclear.