Dripping Unconsciously Over Humanity

Love. What is love? Such a question seems cliche. Another session about love but can there ever been too many sessions about love? Too many words to describe its meaning? If anything, in todays time there is not enough to balance out its opposites so then perhaps we need to continue exploring this continent that is yet to be rediscovered. Where did we lose our way? When did we forget? Why did we forget? What will it take for us to remember?

Perhaps it is difficult to speak about love because the greatest of telescopes are unable to catch sight as it has become unrecognizable. So, where do we go from here? Beyond the romance portrayal from our dear friends Hollywood and Bollywood. They are mere reminders, illusions to remind us of how lost we are. We consume and consume and consume the stories of fiction in order to get a tiny glimpse of it again, a touch of emotion from another lands like a tear drop within our ocean, sending its vibrations within our being for a particle of a moment. Then she passes, the moment has moved to the next, we gather ourselves and forget once again. Back to reality or is this the illusion?

The talk of love is not what it should be. It should not be talk at all, it should be an action. An action to balance out the action of its opposite. An opposite that I no longer want to name as to name it feeds the energy into it and in our feeble attempt to weaken it, it becomes stronger. The mere mention of its name, regardless of the mouth from which the words drop, the energy reverberates, activating all the cells within its body. Our mention of its name are like nutrients for its dark soul. This is how it works. Attention results in intention. Attention creates intention, even if its not the intended desire. 

What am I speaking about? We may say how we love our mothers, our sisters, but when we speak of another, that is not related, we change our tone and tap into an alternative dictionary to describe her but we don’t understand that suppressing her, speaking of her with such words is to speak to the mother and sister we claim to love and respect so much. Words. Waste. A complete waste of words, dripping unconsciously all over our humanity, we may as well bathe ourselves in the oil that soaks up our oceans.

One cannot understand. I speak no words. Ah, but what about your thoughts? Thoughts are ours, it impacts no one but I. This, another illusion created by someone, something, an unknown force. Our thoughts come from our sub-conscious and our sub-conscious arises from the unconscious and the unconscious, well, via the sub-conscious feeds the conscious. That is whole. Your thoughts feed the collective and the collective thoughts feed you. So what is the answer in which we see? That is found in the act of becoming conscious of the unconscious.

Well, we end up right back where we started. Hmmm, not much where we started, more where we have ended up. The present, this is the starting point. You want to get to the finish line but it is an impossibility because we have forgotten where we have begun. To love, is to return. Simplicity, it is what has become and perhaps always been most complex to the mind of humanity.


Talib Hussain