Beyond the Noisy Skyscrapers

Do not doubt this power. I chose a card this morning after my meditation from the Wild Unknown. I asked her to tell me something about love and it showed me the ten of cups, colourful lights and energy radiating out of each one, filling each other. This is the energy others are feeling off you and its magnetic. The part that got me was the last sentence. Do not doubt this power.

I doubt my strengths, my powers as so many do. It’s odd that it has become so challenging to acknowledge our selves, our radiating energy and when we finally do reconnect with it we are uncertain how to express it and feel bad when we do. I can go into all the work thats been done and why we are suppressed and who suppresses us which goes back so many years and the state of humanity as a whole is quite shaky. We are by nature faulty beings so how can we keep punishing ourselves with so much guilt and self hatred, whether its loud or subtle, there is this voice of not good enough, what are people going to say, maybe I’m being too loud, who really cares what my view is, who cares what I care about or how I see the world, it doesn’t really matter anyway because the world is so fucked up I wouldn’t even know where to begin. 

I think this is the hardest part for me. The world is really fucked up. If we move beyond our local news, like really move on, I don’t mean you switch from CNN to Al-Jazeera or to BBC, I mean move beyond the mainstream news and dig into the realities of the day to day people living there lives in other countries. How are they coping, what are their challenges, what are they eating, how do they raise there children, is it the same as us here or do they do things differently? What does respect mean for them and how does it compare to our definition here in the west. How do they see us? What are their assumptions? 

We can learn so much if we get just a little curious of whats beyond these media skyscrapers that block our view of the world. We just need to drive our gaze out a little bit further to reach the fields where we can see clearly all the landscapes, of all the people, of all the worlds. Vision, it is used constantly but at the same time it is unused because we see what others place in front of us, true vision arises when we move from being the seer to the seeker. 

Why? Probably because we have become complacent. We have become lazy and no longer feel empowered. This word is so important to explore. It comes up over and over again. Empowerment. To feel empowered is a right and when we do everything for our kids we steal their right for empowerment, to experience empowerment. Thats what the news and other forms, or these excessive forms of media have done to us in a way. They have given us so much, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with infinite information that we have lost our drive to really explore beyond all the noise. 

To become a seeker we must come back home and return to ourselves. The reset, if thats what you desire, begins within. I know this is something that you here over and over and over, or maybe you just here it from me, but to regain freedom, to regain control and to experience what it feels like to be empowered, we must take the steps to becoming the seeker of Self, there you will discover the answers that lay within that will give you strength to move above and beyond the noisy skyscrapers. You, me, all of us when we go in will have similar experiences, but there is another part that’s important, there is a uniqueness within you and I’m not speaking about some superpower where you’re going to be the next prophet, president or superstar basketball player, I mean there is a sweetness, a power that you can tap into and it will guide you, it is your own personal compass that will direct you through the good and bad times. It’s a part that will contradict much of the mainstream and the people around you, but its ok, as you go deeper within, the others, the community in which you need for support and encouragement will arrive when it’s time. 

In the beginning its lonely, it’s a lonely journey but it has to be that way because if someone were to come along to early then your existing programming will just want to attach and rely on this new community. Loneliness is a power and it allows you to root deeper and deeper within. It’s why I’m cautious till this day of the content I consume, what I read, what I watch, my time on social and very much who I spend my time with. Those who are so rooted in themselves, who have been doing the work in this life and perhaps the lives that came before, they don’t pull you in, they simply hold space for you to grow. 

This is something that I’ve been good at, this is a super power of mine. To hold space , to adapt with others at a cellular level so they can see themselves within me. I become a mirror for them and so we do the work together. This is both beautiful but this is where I can also lose myself, so I need to be cautious but mostly aware and it’s why I meditate for so long and it seems to be getting longer. Vairagya, this word is so powerful for me. Independence and indifference, to rise above love and hate. This is a feeling, but its also a place that I look forward to the possibility, I do believe I will reach this place, that it is a part of my evolution in this lifetime. 

They said I am the teacher, so this understanding of cellular matching is kind of up to me. I guess this is where I can research the science around mirroring and see perhaps if there is any new research around it, and not just the neurons on the brain but all the cells within the body that mirror the expression and body language of another. When I’m with people, I immediately begin to mirror them, the awareness  around it can be a little annoying. It’s so automatic but you know, this is a really wonderful gift and it allows you to hold space gently, compassionately and gives you the ability to really understand and feel another's emotions, another's struggles and pain but also to feel their joy and I think that this is where your weakness you can lie in the fact that your heart has been closed for so long and understandably so that you couldn’t feel another’s joy, you couldn't feel love because that part of you was closed and now that in the past few years you have opened up, more and more, learning to feel love and joy, you are learning to also make this part of you your primary residence within your body and your default energy that goes out into the world.

So now you have two sides, you feel and empathize with the ones who feel pain very well, but you are also learning to feel love, to feel joy, to shed tears, heartfelt tears. To be able to experience a broken heart is a gift, perhaps one of the greatest gifts you have given yourself with all the work you have done, this is the gift, to allow yourself to break, to feel broken. What a blessing to experience this and what a tragedy it would have been to leave this life with all of these unexperienced feelings. 

There is of course more to experience, more openings to happen, but you are certainly on your path to this radiant energy expression from every cell inside your body. There is an awakening and it is time to trust it and not doubt yourself anymore. You have an opportunity to make an impact on this world and to share and write and speak about things that you have learned and experienced because it will touch the hearts of others along as you continue to stay connected to this open broken heart and you continue to break, and shed tears for others, for the world, for yourself. 

It is through our tears that we will cleanse the world. 

Talib Hussain